Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Matt: "God Works Miracles - My Mac Has Internet"

Oh, what a day... Yesterday was fun. Our first day of VBS! The kids were great (and quite possibly crazy) and had a lot of energy. I remember when I had that much was a scary thing. ;) Anyway, the kids were actually doing the motions/singing the songs! It was so encouraging! God is working here. After VBS, we had our "PE in the Park." We did some (really fun) fishing thing that Tom put together. It got warm...and fun...

Despues de PE in the Park, we split into two (haha, inTO TWO) groups to prayer walk and put tracks (tracs/tracts/sp?) in mailboxes. I was with Janis, Kelly, Sharon, and Jon. We walked around the neighborhood and I bought a Coke (some more false advertising) for 120 yen. There was another Coke the same size for 150 yen...(......???) so I picked the 120 yen Coke...I think that was smart...

For dinner we had amazing curry and amazing ice cream. Tim and I hung out with the Reasoner and Nakamura kids afterward. They drained was still fun...


And now up this morning, ate breakfast, had a worship/prayer time, and took off for the Send Center. The kids were nicer to me today! Everything went smoothly...for the most part... Today's PE in the Park was American football. It was HOTTTTTT!!! But hey, I here it's actually hotter back home than it is here! It's only in the 80s...really humid, though... Sorry that you guys have like 100 degree weather! I quite like God's sense of humor.

We're going to have our debrief soon and go on a prayer walk. I'm tired... Thank you for reading! (When we go out to eat, I will give you the full report you've been waiting for!) ;)

Matt Sekijima

1 comment:

  1. Ev and I are praying for you all. As far as the coke goes, I suppose the 120 yen coke was a fake. Post a picture of the Reasoners and Nakamuras so I can put in on the side of the blog with the Tamuras.

    Al & Ev Ko
