Friday, July 31, 2009

Shirley: Rain Rain Go Away...

There are thunderstorms forecast for the whole Saturday-Sunday weekend, and then more possible rain and thunderstorms all next week! Wonder what will happen to the summer fireworks scheduled for August 1 in the neighboring park

Please pray that the Lord would change the weather for us, since our park games are from 1-3PM at NBF and are all OUTSIDE! We do not have use of the facility after 12:30PM on Monday and Friday. This is the first time Japan's rainy season has interfered with VBS at NBF. Perhaps it will clear up still. We are PRAYING for clear skies and will even put up with the heat if the Lord sends this rain back to the Pacific Northwest where it should be!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! This is an answered prayer in the biggest way. We had gorgeous weather Saturday, not a hint of rain. Had a great fireworks display Saturday evening, too! It is now Sunday, and again, not a hint of rain. Please pray this would continue all week!!! God is good and God is GREAT!
