Monday, August 3, 2009

Matt: "Gyoza In Chicken Means Gyoza In Chicken"

Heyya! Wow, it's hard to believe that it's around 5:00 AM in Seattle.

Today was the first day of the Nokendai VBS! There were fewer kids here than there were in Tokorozawa. The kids were also a little more...difficult to control, but that's okay - it was fun! PE in the Park was fishing again. The kids had fun. There was a little three year old girl who fell for Tim. It was cute! (I did not say cute...) And there was this girl who was really quiet inside, but screamed at me outside. My ears hurt. After a while, I started to feel...light-headed...I went into the tatami room and took a felt good...the ice/milk coffee from the vending machine was awesome!!!

Following PE, we set-up an assembly line to make crosses necklaces with beads symbolizing different things: black, red, white, purple, blue, green, and yellow. After the construction of the amazing crafts, some of us went to dinner at a fish restaurant with the Tamura's. It took us fifteen minutes to order last year - no Japanese speakers...this year it took about four minutes. I had tempura and karage! Yum!

When we got home we practiced the songs we're singing tomorrow at the nursing home: Seek Ye First and Jesus Loves Me. We're singing in Japanese and in English...

I showed Tim a YouTube video; it was a debate between Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Kent Hovind. [I love these things!!!] Ross took the old-earth view while Hovind took the 6,000-year-young-earth view...that Hovind guy is kind of irritating...I don't know, something about him...(this is completely irrelevant...and totally just my opinion...sorry.)

I'm going to bed. I set-up a "barrier" between me and's a pillow with a folded comforter on top. Hopefully it will work better than the one last night... =/ I'm not gonna tell stories...yeah...goodnight...

Matt Sekijima

1 comment:

  1. good to hear that you are learning how to clean "japanese" style and hope you will put those newly-formed skills into practice at your place of residence back in bellevue! : D

    we are heading into more comfortable low-80 degree weather this week. will even go into the 70s at some point! yay!

    love all the pics that you all post! keep 'em coming! am praying for God's Holy Spirit to infiltrate and interject His incredible truth into all the hearts and minds that come into your presence through VBS! Yes, Lord! Amen!

    i thank God for each of you.

