Sunday, August 2, 2009

Matt: "Why Is Japan's Costco So Much Better Than Washington's?"

[[BTW, I'm pointing to ICHIRO]]

Today was our first full day in Nokendai. All of us "slept-in" til around 9...sooooo awesome... I was awake and Susan and Vincy came in to take a picture of (Tim?) and me...thanks,, girls, rather...whatever... Sharon and I (well, not really me) made gyoza. (I think I ate too many...oh well...)

We left the condo at about 1:30 for Nokendai Bible Fellowship. While the team walked and took the train, I went with Shirley and Kohichi to the community center. As we drove off, I could see the look of disdain from the team. But I had to help them unload the car and practice worship songs with Kohichi!

The church service looked as follows: Opening prayer, worship, VBS team intro, Tim's testimony (in Japanese!), worship, Susan's testimony, Tom's VBS summary, Sharon's story, and the Tim/Vincy/Matt SonRock Kids Camp Music Experience. (I gave our thing a name.) After church, we had a dinner provided (but not paid for) by COSTCO. SOOOOO GOOOOODD OH EM GEE!!!!!! The sashimi was AMAZING! Perfect texture! It was tender and quite tasty! (*See my blog title.) It was nice to meet some of the church members and share with them about the VBS and the team! =)

On the way back, all of us (plus Emma and Clara Tamura) took the train. We debriefed (and ate more food) at the Tamura's place, then we went back "home." And here we are.

It was a good day. And just like everyday this trip, it has left me tired, yet content, thankful, and blessed! (Heyyy, this is a relatively short blog...for me!)

Thank you! Goodnight and good morning - it's 6:05 AM back home...
Matt Sekijima

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