Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shirley: Sunday after NBF

I feel vindicated. It is raining today. There is typhoon coming to this area tonight. There is flash flooding in our area as well, affecting Saitama, near the SEND center, and slowly moving down towards us in Yokoahama/Nokendai and Yokosuka. Is our God the greatest or what?! Praise His Holy Name! I told you I was not kidding about rain and bad weather for last week. The Lord post-poned it one week for us so we could have a nice VBS and PE at the Park outside. We also had one of the longest earthquakes we have felt in a long time. Hope it did not stop the shinkansen, bullet train, that Kelly and Sharon are on right now to Nagoya.

Service was very nice today, 13 adults and 7 children. We did a recap of last week's bible stories with Sharon-sensei and we learned Romans 10:9, the hard version, to reinforce the VBS song "You Will Be Saved". Kohichi is doing a series on the book of James right now, but is explaining the relevant stories of the Old Testament starting with Abraham to give new people enough background about what James is teaching.

All in all, a very good Sunday, and an extra blessing to have Kelly and Sharon in service with us. Hope you all have a good Sunday at LCC this morning, also.


  1. Thank you for being such an awesome host for our team Shirley! We are so blessed to partner with you in God's amazing ministry in Japan!

  2. Wow Shirley! You know God, don't you??! :)
    So sorry to hear the yucky weather is back with you all. This just means your family will need to come and visit us in Sept!
